AC Tune Up

AC Tune Up Essentials: Maximize HVAC Efficiency for Your Kansas City Home

Your air conditioner plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal comfort and indoor air quality in your Kansas City home. However, the daily wear and tear can significantly impact its performance and efficiency, especially during peak usage. This is where the importance of an AC tune up comes into play. Just like a car needs periodic tune-ups to run optimally, so does your HVAC system, whether you live in a residential, commercial, or newly constructed property.

An AC tune up is a comprehensive maintenance service performed by our professional technicians to ensure that your air conditioning system is working at its best. The tune up process involves a thorough inspection, cleaning, and optimization of your AC system’s various components. Tune ups not only help enhance the overall system’s performance but also contribute to extending its lifespan.

Through consistent tune ups, you can identify minor issues before they escalate into full-blown AC problems, which can help save on costly repairs or replacements. Regular maintenance also prevents the accumulation of dirt and dust on your system’s vital components, ensuring optimal airflow and a cleaner indoor environment. Additionally, an HVAC system that runs efficiently can dramatically decrease your energy consumption, resulting in lower utility bills.

Continue reading as we delve into the multiple advantages of scheduling regular AC tune ups with our trusted professionals. From improving energy efficiency to reducing the chances of emergency repairs, you’ll gain insight into how a well-maintained AC system can improve your Kansas City property’s comfort and save you money in the long run.

1. Improve Energy Efficiency

The primary benefit of regular AC tune ups is improved energy efficiency. When your system is properly maintained, it does not need to work as hard to maintain the desired temperature and humidity levels in your home. This means that your AC will consume less energy, resulting in lower energy bills. During the tune-up process, our technicians will inspect and calibrate your thermostat, clean or replace air filters, inspect and clean indoor and outdoor coils, and check refrigerant levels for optimal efficiency. These actions contribute significantly to enhanced energy efficiency, which is a must for every homeowner looking to cut down on utility expenses.

2. Prolong HVAC System Lifespan

A well-maintained HVAC system is more likely to have an extended lifespan as regular tune ups help identify and address issues before they become serious problems. When you invest in scheduled maintenance, you protect your investment by ensuring that your system is running at its best. During a tune up, our technicians will assess the overall state of your HVAC system and identify parts that need repair or replacement, which helps prevent breakdowns and prolongs the life of your cooling equipment.

3. Enhance Indoor Comfort

AC tune ups focus on optimizing the performance of your HVAC system, which directly translates to better indoor comfort. With a well-tuned AC system, your home will have more consistent temperature and humidity levels. This ensures that you and your family members can enjoy comfortable living conditions throughout the Kansas City summer heat. Furthermore, cleaner components, such as air filters and evaporator coils, contribute to better indoor air quality by preventing the circulation of dust and allergens.

4. Lower Risk of Emergency Breakdowns

One of the worst scenarios for any homeowner is an unexpected AC breakdown during sweltering summer days. Regular AC tune ups can significantly reduce the risk of encountering such emergencies. By identifying potential issues early, our technicians can help you avoid not only costly repairs but also the discomfort and inconvenience of a malfunctioning air conditioner. Early detection and preventative maintenance help keep your system running reliably, making emergency breakdowns less likely.

What to Expect During an AC Tune Up


When our skilled technicians perform an AC tune up, they follow a systematic process to make sure every component is inspected, cleaned, and optimized. Here’s what you can expect during an AC tune up:


  1. Thorough Inspection: Our technicians will conduct a detailed examination of your HVAC system’s indoor and outdoor units, checking for any signs of wear or damage that could affect the system’s performance. This includes inspecting the thermostat, refrigerant lines, electrical connections, and safety controls.
  2. Cleaning and Lubrication: The process involves removing dirt and debris from the indoor and outdoor coils, which helps improve the system’s heat transfer capability. Our technicians will also clean or replace the air filters and lubricate the moving parts to reduce friction and wear.
  3. System Testing and Calibration: Once the inspection and cleaning are complete, our technicians will test your HVAC system’s performance by assessing airflow, temperature, and humidity levels. They will also calibrate your thermostat to ensure accurate and consistent temperature control.
  4. Recommendations and Repairs: If any issues are identified during the tune up, our technicians will provide you with an overview and recommend necessary repairs or upgrades. Addressing these problems early can help prevent more severe issues down the line and ensure your system’s continued optimal performance.


Investing in regular AC tune ups in Kansas City, KS is a smart decision for homeowners in Kansas City, as it helps you maintain your HVAC system’s efficiency, extend its lifespan, enhance indoor comfort, and lower the risk of emergency breakdowns. Maximize your air conditioning system’s potential by scheduling a tune up with our experienced professionals at Delta T Heating and Cooling. Contact us today and take a proactive approach to ensuring optimal AC performance throughout the hot summer months.

4 Winter Heating System Safety Tips

As winter’s chill settles in, homeowners turn to their heating systems to keep warm and comfortable. While a cozy, warm home is undoubtedly a welcome retreat from the cold, it’s essential to prioritize safety when it comes to your heating systems. In this blog post, we’ll discuss four vital safety tips to help ensure the well-being of your family and property during the winter months. At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of a safe and efficient heating system through years of furnace repair in Kansas City, so let’s dive right in.

Inspecting Your Heating Units: A Vital Winter Safety Check

Before the winter season kicks into high gear, it’s crucial to perform a thorough inspection of your heating units. This proactive approach can help identify any potential issues that may arise during the colder months, potentially leading to a premature need for furnace replacement in Kansas City KS. Here are some key steps to follow:

Scheduled Check-ups

Ensure your heating system undergoes regular maintenance appointments. A professional inspection can catch any hidden problems and ensure your unit is running efficiently.

Cleanliness Matters

Keep the area around your heating unit clean and clutter-free. This prevents fire hazards and ensures proper ventilation.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Install carbon monoxide detectors near your heating system to quickly detect any leaks, which can be life-threatening.

Filter Replacement

Replace or clean your system’s air filters regularly. Dirty filters can reduce efficiency and compromise indoor air quality.

Home Alarm Systems and Heating Safety: An Essential Synergy

Integrating your heating system with your home alarm system can be a game-changer for winter safety. Here’s how it works:

Smart Thermostats

Invest in a smart thermostat that can be connected to your alarm system. It allows you to remotely monitor and control your heating, ensuring it doesn’t run unnecessarily.

Fire and CO Alarms

Connect your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to your home security system for added safety. In case of an emergency, the alarm system can alert the authorities.

Portable Space Heaters: How to Safely Warm Your Space

Portable space heaters can be a convenient way to warm specific areas of your home. However, they also pose safety risks if not used correctly. Follow these guidelines:

Keep a Safe Distance

Maintain at least three feet of space between the heater and any flammable materials, including curtains and furniture.

Power Source

Plug space heaters directly into wall outlets, avoiding extension cords. This reduces the risk of overheating and electrical fires.

Turn Off When Not in Use

Never leave a space heater unattended, and always turn it off when leaving the room or going to sleep.

Choosing the Right Heating System: The Benefits of Plastic Exteriors

When selecting a heating system, consider one with a plastic exterior. Here’s why:


Plastic exteriors are less prone to rust and corrosion, making them a longer-lasting option for your heating unit.


Plastic exteriors are lighter than metal ones, making installation and maintenance easier and more cost-effective.


Modern plastic exteriors are designed for optimum insulation, enhancing the efficiency of your heating system while avoiding the potential to burn yourself on the outside.

In conclusion, prioritizing safety is paramount when it comes to your heating systems during the winter. Regular inspections, integrating your system with your home alarm, safe use of portable heaters, and selecting the right heating unit can all contribute to a warm and secure home. If you need heating services in Kansas City, don’t hesitate to reach out to Delta T Heating and Cooling for professional assistance. Your family’s safety and comfort hold paramount importance to us. Stay warm and secure throughout this winter season.

3 Signs That It Is Time to Replace Your HVAC Unit

Homeowners often struggle with the decision of when to replace their HVAC units. The choice becomes easier when you know the key signs indicating that a replacement is necessary. In Kansas City, KS, where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically, having a reliable HVAC system is crucial. Delta T Heating and Cooling, a premier name among HVAC companies in Kansas City, shares three telltale signs that it might be time for an AC replacement in Kansas City, KS.

1. Your HVAC Unit is More Than a Decade Old

Age is a critical factor in determining the efficiency of your HVAC system. Most HVAC systems have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. If your unit is over 10 years old, it’s time to start considering a replacement. Older units are not only less efficient but also more prone to breakdowns. Delta T Heating and Cooling, a leading HVAC company near you, can assess the age and condition of your unit and advise whether a replacement is the best course of action.

2. Rising Energy Bills

A sudden increase in your energy bills can be a clear sign that your HVAC system is losing efficiency. As HVAC units age, they have to work harder to maintain the same level of comfort, leading to higher energy consumption. Delta T Heating and Cooling recommends monitoring your energy bills closely. If you notice a consistent increase, it might be time to consider an AC replacement in Kansas City, KS. Investing in a new, energy-efficient unit can significantly reduce your monthly bills and improve your home’s comfort.

3. Frequent Repairs and Inconsistent Performance

If you find yourself frequently calling HVAC companies in Kansas City for repairs, it may be more cost-effective to replace the unit. Frequent breakdowns are not only inconvenient but can also add up in repair costs. Moreover, if your HVAC system struggles to maintain consistent temperatures, or if some rooms are too hot while others are too cold, it’s a clear indication that your system is no longer performing optimally. Delta T Heating and Cooling can help you decide if repairing your current unit is worthwhile or if it’s time for a new HVAC near you.

Why Choose Delta T Heating and Cooling for Your HVAC Needs?

Delta T Heating and Cooling stands out among HVAC companies in Kansas City for its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Here are a few reasons why choosing Delta T Heating and Cooling for your furnace replacement in Kansas City, KS, is a wise decision:

  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, Delta T Heating and Cooling has the expertise to handle any HVAC challenge.
  • Quality Products: They offer a wide range of high-quality HVAC products that are energy-efficient and reliable.
  • Customer-Centric Services: Understanding the unique needs of each customer, Delta T Heating and Cooling provides personalized solutions to ensure your home’s comfort and efficiency.
  • Professional Installation and Maintenance: From installation to regular maintenance, Delta T Heating and Cooling ensures that your HVAC system operates at its best.


Being aware of the signs that indicate the need for an HVAC replacement can save you from unexpected breakdowns and high energy costs. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, contact Delta T Heating and Cooling, your trusted HVAC company near you in Kansas City, KS. They can provide expert advice and services for an AC replacement in Kansas City, KS, ensuring your home remains comfortable year-round.
Remember, a well-functioning HVAC system is not just about comfort; it’s also about efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Trust Delta T Heating and Cooling to guide you through the process of replacing your HVAC unit with ease and confidence.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit Delta T Heating and Cooling – your go-to source for all HVAC needs in Kansas City, KS.

How To Maintain Your AC Unit During The Off-Season

Are you tired of sweltering summers and bone-chilling winters in Kansas City, KS? Finding the right HVAC solution for your home can seem daunting. With over three decades of experience, Delta T Heating and Cooling is here to ensure your comfort all year round.

How to Choose the Right HVAC System for Your Home

Selecting the perfect HVAC system impacts your comfort and energy efficiency. Here’s what to consider:

Size Matters: Choosing a system that’s incorrectly sized is a common mistake. Our experts assess your home to find the most efficient size, ensuring you save on energy bills.
Energy Efficiency: With rising energy costs, a system with a high SEER rating is vital. We’ll help you understand the savings an energy-efficient system can offer.
Budget-Friendly Solutions: We offer affordable HVAC options and financing plans to meet your budget without compromising quality to provide you top – notch AC installation in kansas city.
Environmental Impact: We provide eco-friendly systems that reduce your carbon footprint and may be eligible for rebates.

What You Need to Know about HVAC Repairs

Your HVAC system keeps you comfortable but might need repairs occasionally:

Timely Repairs: Don’t ignore small issues. Unusual sounds or inconsistent temperatures warrant a professional check up and AC tuneup in Kansas City, KS should be done if needed.
Regular Maintenance: Our maintenance plans keep your system in top shape, preventing unexpected repairs and prolonging its life.
Emergency Services: For issues outside of business hours, we offer 24/7 emergency services, so you’re never stuck in extreme temperatures.

Red Flags: Signs Your HVAC System Needs a Check-up

Be vigilant for these signs that indicate a need for a system inspection:

Increased Energy Bills: A rise in energy bills could signal an inefficient system that needs a check-up.
Inconsistent Temperatures: This could mean your system needs maintenance.
Strange Odors: Odors from vents can indicate contaminants. A thorough cleaning might be necessary.

How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter

To avoid a failing HVAC system in winter, consider these tips:

Change Filters: Ensure clean filters for better airflow and efficiency.
Seal Leaks: Eliminate drafts to prevent overworking your system.
Thermostat Settings: Use programmable settings for energy savings.
Professional Inspection: Schedule an inspection before winter to address any potential issues.

In conclusion, HVAC contractor in Kansas City, is your go-to for HVAC needs. Our expertise and dedication to service guarantee a comfortable, energy-efficient home year-round. Contact us for a consultation and see the Delta T difference.

Everything You Need to Know about Thermostat Calibration

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable, you deserve nothing but the best. That’s why Delta T Heating and Cooling in Kansas City, KS is your trusted partner in HVAC solutions. We understand the frustration that can arise from an inefficient heating or cooling system. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing you with top-notch thermostat service and AC service in Kansas City, KS, ensuring your home’s comfort is never compromised.

How Often Should You Calibrate Your Thermostat?

Your thermostat serves in Kansas City, KS as the control center for your home’s climate. It regulates the temperature, ensuring your space is always just the way you like it. However, like any piece of technology, it requires regular maintenance to function optimally. This is where thermostat calibration comes into play.
Regular calibration ensures that your thermostat accurately reads and responds to temperature changes. Over time, factors such as wear and tear, dust accumulation, and electrical fluctuations can affect its accuracy. To keep your home consistently comfortable and your energy bills in check, it’s recommended to calibrate your thermostat at least once a year.

Benefits of a Well-Calibrated Thermostat

A well-calibrated thermostat brings numerous benefits to your home and your wallet. Here’s why investing in a smart thermostat in Kansas City, KS or replacement can make a significant difference:

  • Increased Energy Efficiency: A calibrated thermostat ensures that your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy waste and lowering your monthly bills.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Accurate temperature readings mean your home remains consistently comfortable, eliminating those frustrating temperature swings.
  • Prolonged HVAC Lifespan: Proper calibration reduces unnecessary strain on your heating and cooling equipment, extending their lifespan and saving you money on replacements.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By using energy more efficiently, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The Role of Seasonal Changes in Calibration

As the seasons change, so do the demands on your HVAC system. The shift from scorching summers to chilly winters requires adjustments in how your thermostat operates. Without proper calibration, your system may struggle to keep up with these seasonal shifts, leading to discomfort and potentially higher energy bills.
In preparation for each new season, it’s crucial to have your thermostat recalibrated. This ensures that it accurately interprets your desired temperature settings, allowing your HVAC system to respond effectively to the changing weather.

Calibrating Thermostats for Zoned Heating and Cooling

Zoned heating and cooling systems offer customized comfort solutions for different areas of your home. They rely on a well-calibrated thermostat in each zone to function seamlessly. Proper calibration ensures that each zone receives the precise level of heating or cooling it needs, optimizing comfort and efficiency.
If you’re considering implementing zoned heating and cooling, or if you already have it in place, it’s essential to have your thermostats calibrated accordingly. This ensures that your system works harmoniously to deliver the comfort you expect, while also maximizing energy savings.
In conclusion, at Delta T Heating and Cooling in Kansas City, KS, we understand that a well-calibrated thermostat is the cornerstone of a comfortable home. Our expert team is dedicated to providing top-tier AC replacement in Kansas City, KS, tailored to your unique needs. Trust us to keep your home at the perfect temperature year-round, while also saving you money on energy bills. Contact us today for a consultation and experience the Delta T difference for yourself.

The Most Common AC Repairs That We Encounter

As the scorching summer heat rolls in, the last thing you want is to be left without a functioning air conditioning system. Unfortunately, even the most reliable AC units may encounter issues over time.

At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we recognize how important it is to maintain a cool, pleasant home during the sweltering summer months. Our professionals are trained to handle various AC repairs, from minor tune-ups and servicing to significant system failures. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need an AC tune-up in Kansas City, KS and the surrounding areas.

Here are some of the most common AC repair issues we encounter:

Refrigerant Leaks

One of the most frequent issues we come across is refrigerant leaks. Your AC unit relies on refrigerant to absorb heat and cool the air. If there’s a leak in the system, it not only compromises the cooling performance but also leads to an inefficient and costly operation. Our skilled technicians can quickly identify and repair refrigerant leaks, ensuring optimal cooling efficiency and lower energy bills.

Compressor Problems

The compressor is the heart of your air conditioning system. It plays a vital role in cooling by compressing the refrigerant and facilitating heat transfer. Over time, compressors may experience issues such as electrical failures or motor malfunctions. If you notice your AC unit making strange sounds, not cooling effectively, or repeatedly cycling on and off, it’s time to contact Delta T Heating and Cooling. Our experts can diagnose compressor problems and provide the necessary repairs or replacements to restore your system’s functionality.

Faulty Capacitors

Capacitors are in charge of storing and releasing electrical energy to various components of your air conditioning system. Over time, capacitors may weaken or fail, leading to problems like motor starting or inability to turn on the AC unit. If you experience difficulties starting your system or notice frequent power fluctuations, we can promptly inspect and replace faulty capacitors. Get in touch with us today for quality air conditioner repair in Kansas City and the surrounding areas.

Clogged Air Filters

Dirty or blocked air filters can have a detrimental effect on your air conditioning system’s performance. When filters become congested with dust, dirt, and debris, they restrict airflow, reducing cooling efficiency and increasing energy consumption. It’s important to prioritize regular cleaning or replacing air filters to maintain optimal airflow and prevent unnecessary strain on your AC system.

Thermostat Issues

A broken thermostat can wreak havoc on your AC system, resulting in inconsistent temperatures, inadequate cooling, or even a complete system failure. Whether you’re dealing with an unresponsive thermostat, incorrect temperature readings, or frequent short-cycling of your AC unit, our expert technicians are here to help. With our expertise in thermostat repairs and replacements, we’ll ensure accurate temperature control, improved energy efficiency, and a comfortable environment in your home.

Electrical Problems

Electrical problems in your AC can stem from faulty wiring, loose connections, or tripped breakers. These issues disrupt your AC’s functionality and pose safety hazards—Trust Delta T Heating and Cooling to promptly diagnose and resolve electrical problems. Our experienced technicians ensure reliable repairs, safeguarding your system’s performance and your family’s well-being. Don’t ignore electrical issues; contact us today for expert assistance.

Drainage Problems

Drainage problems can be a common issue that affects the performance of your air conditioning system. When your AC unit is operating, it produces condensation that needs to be properly drained away. However, if there are drainage problems, it can lead to various issues that require immediate attention. Our technicians have the expertise to identify and address drainage problems quickly and efficiently. We also offer comprehensive maintenance services that help maintain optimal system performance and minimize repair costs in the future.

Rely on Us for Your HVAC Needs

Don’t let AC issues get you down. If you search for HVAC repair near me, you’ll find Delta T Heating and Cooling and get the best service in Kansas City and the surrounding areas. We understand the importance of a well-functioning air conditioning system, especially during the hot summer. From refrigerant leaks and compressor problems to clogged filters and thermostat malfunctions, we have the expertise to tackle a wide range of AC repairs. Our team of professionals is committed to providing prompt, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to restore your AC’s performance and keep your home comfortable. Call us today for more information.

Determining The Ideal Choice: Repair Or Replacement For Your Air Conditioning

As the scorching summer heat arrives, a well-functioning air conditioning system becomes essential to our daily lives. However, even the most reliable air conditioners can experience issues over time and may require repair or replacement. At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of comfortable living space and strive to provide the best solutions for your air conditioning needs. We are one of the best and most trusted HVAC contractors in Kansas City, KS, area, and we handle every job with the utmost care and professionalism.

When facing air conditioning problems, it’s crucial to evaluate the condition of your unit and consider various factors to determine the best course of action. Let’s explore the key points to consider when deciding between repair and replacement:

Age of the System

The age of your air conditioning system plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Most air conditioners have an average lifespan of 10-15 years. If your unit is nearing the end of its lifespan and experiencing frequent breakdowns, it might be more cost-effective in the long run to replace it with a newer, energy-efficient model. Newer units are designed with advanced technologies that improve energy efficiency and performance. Contact us if you need AC replacement in Kansas City, KS, and surrounding areas

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an important consideration, both for environmental reasons and to save on utility bills. Older air conditioning units tend to be less energy-efficient compared to newer models. Replacing your old unit with a modern, energy-efficient one can lead to significant cost savings in the long term. Additionally, energy-efficient systems contribute to a greener planet by reducing carbon emissions. Our team can guide you in selecting the most energy-efficient air conditioning system that meets your specific requirements and budget.

Repair Costs

Consider the cost of repairs versus the cost of replacement. If the repairs required are minor and relatively inexpensive, opting for a repair might be the right choice. However, if the repair costs are substantial and there is a likelihood of additional issues arising in the future, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new system. Our Delta T Heating and Cooling team can provide a detailed assessment of your air conditioner’s condition and provide the best AC repair in Kansas City, KS, and surrounding areas.

Frequency of Repairs

If your air conditioner has frequently been experiencing breakdowns and requiring repairs, it may indicate underlying issues or age-related wear and tear. Constant repairs add up in terms of cost and result in inconvenience and discomfort during the hot summer months. In such cases, replacing your unit can provide peace of mind and ensure reliable cooling without the hassle of frequent breakdowns.

Comfort and Performance

Consider the overall comfort and performance of your current air conditioning system. If your unit struggles to cool your space effectively, not providing consistent temperatures, or causing excessive humidity, it may be time for an upgrade. Newer air conditioning systems have advanced features and technologies that offer improved comfort, temperature control, and air quality.

If you’re facing air conditioning problems, our Delta T Heating and Cooling team can provide a detailed assessment of your unit’s condition and guide you in choosing the best possible solution. To prevent the inconvenience of last-minute breakdowns, we also offer AC service in Kansas City, KS, and surrounding areas. Contact us today for more information.

AC Tune-Up: The Importance Of Regular Maintenance

When the scorching heat of summer arrives, there’s nothing quite like the cool comfort provided by a well-functioning air conditioning system. But have you ever stopped to consider regular maintenance’s vital role in keeping your AC unit running smoothly? At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of AC tune-ups and their significant benefits. That’s why we offer top-notch AC tune-up in Kansas City, KS, and surrounding areas.

Below-mentioned are just a few of the reasons you should consider investing in regular AC maintenance and tune-ups

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Regular maintenance is essential for maximizing the energy efficiency of your AC system. Over time, dirt and dust can gather in the filters and coils, obstructing airflow and reducing the unit’s efficiency. During an AC tune-up, our technicians will clean and replace the filters, remove debris, and optimize the system’s airflow. It helps your AC system operate more efficiently, ultimately saving you money on energy bills.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Your AC system plays a vital role in maintaining the indoor air quality of your home or office. Dust, allergens, and pollutants can accumulate in the system’s filters, leading to poor air quality and potential health issues. Regular tune-ups involve thoroughly cleaning the filters, removing any contaminants, and ensuring clean and fresh air circulation. By investing in regular maintenance, you can breathe easily and enjoy a healthier living environment. Schedule an AC service in Kansas City, KS, today!

Extended Lifespan

Like any other system, your AC unit requires regular maintenance to ensure longevity. Neglecting proper care can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on the system, causing it to break down prematurely. During an AC tune-up, our technicians will inspect and lubricate all moving parts, identify and address potential issues, and provide necessary repairs. By taking proactive measures and investing in regular maintenance, you can increase the life of your AC system, saving you from costly replacements in the long run. If you need maintenance, you can call us. We are the best HVAC contractor in Kansas City, KS, area, providing top-notch AC tune-up services.

Enhanced Performance

Regular AC tune-ups contribute to the overall performance of your cooling system. Our skilled technicians will thoroughly inspect and calibrate your unit, ensuring it operates at its optimal capacity. They will check refrigerant levels, clean coils, and perform any necessary adjustments to maintain peak performance. Keeping your AC system in excellent condition allows you to experience consistent cooling comfort even during the hottest summer months.

Cost Savings

It’s no secret that maintenance is more cost-effective than major repairs or replacements. By scheduling regular tune-ups, you can identify and address minor issues before they escalate into significant problems that require costly repairs. Additionally, a well-maintained AC system operates more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills. By investing in regular maintenance, you can save both your hard-earned money and the inconvenience of unexpected breakdowns.


Whether you need maintenance, AC repair, or replacement in Kansas City, KS, and surrounding areas, Delta T Heating and Cooling is here to help. Our technicians are well-skilled and experienced in providing top-notch AC services, ensuring you get the cool comfort and consistent performance your system was designed to deliver. Contact us now to learn more about our services.


Red Flags When Choosing An HVAC Contractor

When it comes to your home’s HVAC system, choosing the right contractor is crucial. A reliable and professional contractor can help keep your system running efficiently and effectively, saving you money on costly repairs and energy bills. However, not all HVAC contractors are created equal, and choosing the wrong one can lead to a nightmare of costly repairs and shoddy workmanship.

This blog post will discuss the top red flags for choosing an HVAC contractor in Kansas City. At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we take pride in providing our customers with quality service they can trust, and we’re here to help you avoid costly mistakes in choosing the right contractor for your HVAC needs.

Warning Signs To Look Out For When Hiring An HVAC Contractor

Lack of Experience:

When looking for an HVAC contractor in Kansas City, experience matters. A lack of experience can result in costly mistakes, which may even mean the contractor is not licensed or insured. Always choose a contractor with experience and a proven track record of providing quality service.

No License or Insurance:

HVAC contractors in Kansas City are required to be licensed and insured. Without a license, the contractor may not be qualified to perform the work, and if something goes wrong, you could be held liable. Additionally, if the contractor does not have insurance, you could be on the hook for any damages or injuries during the job.

Lack of References or Reviews:

Before hiring an HVAC contractor, checking their references and reading reviews from previous customers is essential. A lack of references or reviews is a significant red flag. It may indicate that the contractor has not been in business for very long or has not provided satisfactory service to previous customers.

Pushy Sales Tactics:

If a contractor uses pushy sales tactics, such as pressure to sign a contract or upgrades you do not need, it may be a red flag that they are more interested in making a sale than providing quality service.

Lack of Transparency:

HVAC contractors should be transparent about their pricing, services, and additional fees. If the contractor is vague about these details or does not provide a written estimate, it may be a red flag that they are untrustworthy.

Why Choose Delta T Heating And Cooling For Your HVAC Needs?

Choosing the right HVAC contractor at Delta T Heating and Cooling can be daunting. That’s why we aim to provide the best service possible to our customers. When you choose us for your HVAC needs, you can expect the following:

  • Experienced Technicians: Our team of experienced technicians has the knowledge and expertise to handle any HVAC issue that may arise. We use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure your system functions at its best.
  • Quality Service: We take pride in providing our customers with quality service they can rely on. We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations, from AC tune-up in Kansas City, KS, to installations.
  • Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all of our services to ensure that our customers receive the best value for their money.

Contact Delta T Heating And Cooling For Your HVAC Needs

Don’t let a red flag lead to costly mistakes when choosing an HVAC contractor. At Delta T Heating and Cooling, we have the experience, knowledge, and dedication to providing customers with quality service they can trust. Contact us today for all your HVAC needs, including AC tune-ups, air conditioner repair in Kansas City, and installation. We look forward to serving you! Contact Us Now For Reliable HVAC Services

Contact Us Now For Reliable HVAC Services!

What Is a Packaged Unit?

Have you ever heard the term “packaged unit” mentioned by HVAC professionals and wondered what it means and how it differs from other HVAC systems? Rest assured, we will not only answer your questions about packaged units but also provide expert advice on whether it is the right choice for your home or business.

A packaged unit is a self-contained HVAC system that includes all the components necessary for heating and cooling in one unit; unlike split systems, which have indoor and outdoor units, packaged units are designed for outdoor installation and are typically mounted on a concrete slab or rooftop. If you need further clarification with your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional AC service in Kansas City, KS

Types Of Packaged Units

Several packaged units are available, each with advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of packaged units are:

  • Air Conditioning Packaged Units: These units only provide cooling and are ideal for warmer climates where heating is unnecessary.
  • Heat Pump Packaged Units: These units can provide heating and cooling and are often used in moderate climates where temperatures don’t drop below freezing.
  • Gas/Electric Packaged Units: These units combine a gas furnace with an electric air conditioner and are ideal for areas with harsh winters.
  • Dual Fuel Packaged Units: These units combine a gas furnace with a heat pump, allowing switching between gas and electric heat depending on outdoor temperatures.

Benefits Of Packaged Units

  • Space-Saving: Packaged units are designed to take up less space than traditional HVAC systems. Since all the components are combined in one unit, there’s no need for an indoor unit or ductwork.
  • Easy Installation: Because packaged units are designed for outdoor installation, they can be installed quickly and easily by HVAC professionals. Don’t hesitate to call us for professional AC installation in Kansas City, KS.
  • Energy Efficient: Packaged units are typically more energy efficient than traditional HVAC systems, saving you money on utility bills.
  • Customizable: Packaged units come in various sizes and configurations, making finding a unit that meets your needs easy.

When To Consider A Packaged Unit

Packaged units are an excellent choice for many homeowners and business owners, but they’re not the right choice for everyone. Here below are a few factors to consider when deciding whether a packaged unit is suitable for you:

  • Space Constraints: If you have limited space for your HVAC system, a packaged unit may be the best choice.
  • Climate: Packaged units are best suited for moderate climates where heating and cooling are needed.
  • Budget: Packaged units can be more expensive than traditional HVAC systems, so deciding is essential to consider your budget.
  • Energy Efficiency: A packaged unit may be the way to go if you’re looking for a more energy-efficient HVAC system.

Trust Delta T Heating And Cooling For Your Packaged Unit Needs

In summary, a packaged unit is a self-contained HVAC system that includes all the components necessary for heating and cooling in one unit. Delta T Heating, and Cooling an excellent choice for homeowners and business owners with limited HVAC system space who live in moderate climates and want an energy-efficient solution. If you’re considering a packaged unit. We also provide AC replacement in Kansas City, KS, and the surrounding areas. Contact us and learn the difference between working with professionals.

Contact Us To Learn How A Packaged Unit Can Benefit Your Home Or Business!